Monday, October 4, 2010

Protein Fingerprint made by Breast Cancer Scientists

Washington - Scientists a type of breast cancer basal breast cancer claimed the preparation of a protein fingerprint which can be traced with the help of those proteins which are in need of treatment.

Gharvan Institute of Medical Research, led by an international team using sophisticated new technology has developed a fingerprint in order to get comprehensive information of basal breast cancer. Breast cancer 10 to 27 percent of all cases of breast cancer are basal case. In fact this type of cancer, the most aggressive type of breast cancer.

The disease in patients receiving the hormone progesterone receptors Ostrojan and lack of hormone therapy because of which no effect on them. So, doctors believed that an effective treatment for basal breast cancer "targeted" therapy is not. The main reason for the opinion of the doctors below the level of cancer cell behavior is extremely unusual.

Sbmikroscopika fingerprint of each cell cancer has been prepared, which is defined by its proteins. The researchers specifically focused on the process is called Fugstforileshne, which protein switching its phosphate molecules to treat each other the change. Also researchers have used a new technology allowing investigators to cells found in all proteins can check Fugstforileshne.

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