Monday, June 28, 2010

If You Are Taking Cancer Drugs Then Don't Goto America

Washington - U.S. officials allow a cancer patient before entering the country kept him four hours in custody because the cancer drug had lost her fingerprints.
Her doctor called Capassitabin current anti-cancer drug to the use of all cancer patients that if they want to visit the U.S. Keep your doctor with a letter.
The doctor also said that many other cancer patients on their blogs and enter the U.S. during end fingerprint similar problem is reported to come.
National Cancer Centre Singapore Senior Consultant Anj - Huah Tan said a 62-year-old man was the head and neck cancer. Chemotherapy has gained her a lot. To prevent cancer flourish Capassitabin he was advised to take. Using the drug head, neck, chest and stomach in cancer treatment is plentiful. Palms and the soles of the feet from the side effects comes in the massive swelling. It peeled the skin may be bleeding and ulcers and blisters may be.
Tan said that's why fingerprints are lost. The patient was caught in the U.S., his hands were swollen and routine light was not affected. In December 2008 after nearly three years Capassitabin intake was America to meet his relatives. Patient identity was not told.
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