Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No longer spend millions in cancer treatment

Raipur | Ambedkar hospital linear accelerator machine to be operational from June 19 as well as world-class cancer treatment facility will be available. Country in any medical college hospital treatment of cancer is so high tech machine. Below the poverty line of visitors will be treated entirely free from these machines.
Linear accelerator for cancer patients in the metros of the country Sinkaai the course fees is taken to a million and a half million. 50-60 thousand rupees in charity hospitals have set fees. There are indications that other hospitals will be compared to the 10 percent fee. Health Minister Amar Agarwal for the green signal is awaited.
Hospital's cancer unit with linear Ssiamyuleatar CT machine has been applied. Cost of three million linear accelerator machine that plays a crucial role in the patient's Sinkaai.
Ambedkar Hospital Superintendent and Dr. Vivek Chowdhury said Rediotherape Department Cacodi Ssiamyuleatar CT machine is put out that many parts of the body's needs Sinkaai.
Linear accelerator for cancer Ochyumar Sinkaai five times after it is checked so that the seating Ochyumar How much impact has the Sinkaai.
In many parts of the Ochyumar need now is Sinkaai. Based on this investigation report is further Sinkaai. The machine was therefore extremely important.


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