Monday, October 25, 2010

Western life style increased the breast cancer

Gorakhpur - Western life style cases of breast cancer in Indian women Increases .

Baba Rhaadass Medical College has been running two-day UP Session Peeithakane 2010 America's renowned cancer doctor Bilal Ahmed said the catering and life style changes Increases case of breast cancer in Indian women, but now the number is less than the U.S..

Risk of breast cancer than urban women

He said the cause of breast cancer grow late marriage, late pregnancy and the baby is to not breastfeeding. This increases the likelihood of breast cancer. He said that unfortunately, in India due to late diagnosis in the treatment problems occur.

Dr. Bilal said the U.S. than in India though the number of patients but there is more time to know the disease the patient is cured.

He said the U.S. after 40 years of age gives women self-check while in India it is not. MADE regular checks of the breast cancer can be avoided.

Ahmed said that those women whose families have inherited the disease at the age of 23 should undergo investigation. Mammography can find out the disease.

Before conception cancer fears

Gorakhpur Lucknow Dolarlcel Spejiae programs are headed by Gupta said that the cancer patients than in patients afflicted with various diseases is a plethora of different types to check that this meeting will prove effective in treating patients.

GMC Head and Prof. of Chandigarh Peeithaaloji. Hershamohan said that about ten percent of cancer cases in the report proves wrong. Many times the negative today is a report on cancer in some cases, cancer does not report them suffering from disease are told.

Pro. Mohan said that during the biopsy is often miss cancer that frequently occurs when one person checks. Group to examine this possibility decreases. He Boyopsi during the given information about precautions to be taken.

Session in New Delhi, Maulana Azad Medical College, head of Peeithaaloji Pro. Dr Tejinder Singh, a bone biopsy Mero paper on the subject by reading the non Himolawjikal Adisoharder Boyopsi bone marrow cancer called boon for poor patients.

If breast cancer is to avoid Avoid

He spends money where thousands of patients while Boyopsi Bone marrow is free in government hospitals. Boyopsi the hip bone to remove the piece. Then check. "This method of lung, breast, bowel, prostate, etc. know cancer is.

Gorakhpur Peeithalawjist Jipec Association secretary Dr Mangalesh Srivastava said that the gathering together so Peeithalawjistoan which in itself is historic first was held in Gorakhpur.

Next meeting will be in Bareilly. The session was building up in eastern Uttar Pradesh to check various kinds of diseases will prove effective in treatment. Session and abroad, about 200 physicians participated.


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